Friday, September 25, 2009

They will lead you home Cause there was never anywhere to go

Behind the Glass (train)

Pulling out of the station
I see each painted face
petulant, expectant, grimacing
then a blur
each face belongs to
we reach the tunnel
enshrouded by the
darkness of anonymity
our window turns
opaque, and my reflection
stares back at me.
I smile reassuringly at her
she smiles back

behind the glass.

Through wordless
my brothers make sure
I know it's our stop;
we are leaving.
I see that
they care
though they isolate their
conversations, boyspeak
one's hand grips
an edge of the door
to hold it open if
they began to close
lest they separate
us 3.

I step from
the metal box into
a concrete labyrinth
we hurry
and I write this poem
in the back of my head
on the
to school.

Title Quote: Ryan Adams, Follow the Lights

1 comment:

Mountain Spirit said...

that's the most awsome way of looking at a trip to school ive ever read. Ur vocabulary embarasses me. <3

Where did it go?