Friday, January 1, 2010

Dearly beloved, we gather here To say our goodbyes

Well guys, I think this is the last time we shall meet. It's a new year, indeed, a new decade, and it seems a fitting time burst into flames and go down, like a phoenix. But also like a phoenix, I have risen from my ashes as a chickling, a baby blog. Where this one ends, a new life begins, and grows, and grows. It is called Wandering Moon, check it out. It will focus on my creative writing, and some of the pieces posted will be ones posted here, but I guarantee you there will be many new ones, too.

I don't want you to look at this as the death of a blog. I want you to look at it like a tree, a sapling that has grown to, to 130 posts, and now stoicly stopped growing. It will not rot and decay, for it is so well preserved that instead, it will turn to petrified wood, still standing here for anyone to read it and look at it as much as they want. And this tree has sent out a seed, which has floated down and taken root as my new sapling blog, which need love and attention to grow strong and tall. So come! Rejoice in life! Change! Make some resolutions, people! Tell me, did your past ones come true?

title quote: Rent Soundtrack, La Vie Boheme

Where did it go?