Monday, September 14, 2009

It must be bursting with secrets within

Ok, so here is the Spearmint Tea Conspiracy (STC) that I mentioned a little while back.

My father loves spearmint tea, and really really dislikes peppermint. So why is it, then, that they only sell peppermint tea in grocery stores????? We have searched everywhere, local grocery stores, Fairway (where we found maybe one or two boxes in the gazillion trips we've taken), and Whole Foods, to (mostly) no avail. At Whole foods we found four boxes, which my father promptly took and SOLD OUT THE WHOLE WHOLE FOODS OF SPEARMINT TEA. there is something seriously wrong with that sentence. This is my question to the world: Where are you hiding the spearmint tea?????? I made some teabags full of spearmint for him at camp, but that will brew four or five cups. Somebody please tell me why our world can allow Bernie Madoff to embezzle billions, but we can't have a decent supply of spearmint tea? Anyone? This is outrageous! I mean really.

To any local spearmint tea growers reading this blog (you never know) MAKE SOME TEA FOR THE CITY! How long with this go on for? I feel my father's pain...
Where is mah spearmint tea????
p.s. and guess what? I was looking for pictures of spearmint tea boxes and could find barely any! look up spearmint tea images and see for yourself! It's a conspiracy I tell you! But I did find out that drinking it a lot can make women grow less facial hair... (how weird is that?)

title quote: Suzanne Vega, My Favorite Plum

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