Monday, September 7, 2009

He told him for to take it to the man up in the moon

Ah, about two nights ago, I was still in Long Island, sitting, playing around, having dessert. It was 9:00 or so. Then we started to here bangs and exploding noises: fireworks. Must have been for Labor Day. We rushed outside, into the still black night, and gazed upwards. There was the most amazing show of fireworks as one after another shape rose and fell--tri-color balls, golden chandeliers, fireworks with rings around them, smiley faces, stars. . .

It was beautiful and I hadn't seen them in years since my camp doesn't do them. I tried to capture some of the best of it, so here it is:

Title Quote: Folk Song, The Cat Came Back [animation]


Mountain Spirit said...

sad that you dont get to see them every july, happy that you got to see them now! :)

Persephone said...

fireworks always make me a little sad.

Where did it go?