Sunday, September 20, 2009

They were flying Mother Nature's Silver seed to a new home in the sun

Look at the picture above. Look closer. Which do you see first, You, or Me? I feel like maybe that can tell a lot about you. Isn't it interesting how that sort of thing works? I think sometimes the world is like these little optical illusions. Of course, in the literal sense, there are people who see Me instead of You first, many many people in the world. And perhaps that is an unfortunate thing, though I do not deny I often see the Me before the You myself. I just often try to reconsider everything before choosing. But also, in the not so straightforward sense, the world seems to be full of optical illusions, not just this one. Except they're not all optical, they're just illusions. And they trick people all the time.

Unfortunately, so often those illusions that are tricking people are set up by other people, who want to trick them, because they see Me before You. I encourage yo all to look at both sides and see Me as well as You in all the situations.
And here's another one. Evil, right? But wait, what to the black lines spell out?. . . Good! I don't think this one is so much seeing evil before good, but more that evil and good are enmeshed in one another, like a yin-yang. I think that you have to be wary because sometimes in the middle of something surrounded by good, sits evil. But then again, what really is good and evil, what's the actual difference?

Title Quote: After the Gold Rush, Neil Young

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