If the Human mind was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it.
-Emerson Pugh
Have you ever been walking down the street, and you pass someone who is also walking down the street, and you wonder what they are thinking? What's on their minds on this beautiful day? I know I have. And I also know that a man named Simon Hoegsberg has also wondered this, for he has put together a website,
the thought project, where he has gone to Copenhagen, DEnmark, and New York City and stopped random strangers on the street to ask them what they were thinking about the moment before he interrupted them He then records their response, takes a picture of them, and they go their merry ways. He has 55 of the 150 responses on the site. it's got great design, too.
I find the site ever so interesting, to peek into people's mind for a few seconds, because most people don't have the courage or think it is rude to stop someone random and ask, literally, "what are you thinking about?" and get this variety of responses. Hmm, I wonder what I would respond if they had asked me.....
Title Quote: Anna Nalick, Breathe (2AM)