Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And It's raining out the window and today it looks like night

Things are not always as they seem.
For example, if you are holding a bar of soap and you reach up to scratch your nose, this may be perceived by someone else as an attempt to eat the soap. But most probably, you are not. Most probably, you are just scratching your nose.
It is often how something is interpreted, and how it is is how it will affect th
e situation. If you even want to think of it that way. I mean, biases as well. When you look at a girl, you may see pink, ballet, flowers, etc. the things that are usually attributed to a girl. But in reality, maybe that girl is actually the the star of a women's football team, and likes nothing more than to burp the alphabet, and can identify every single make of each car on your block and the year it was introduced. You never know. And then you may get that very same girl, I mean, say you like her or something, so you get her a kit for putting pink sparkly rhinestones on everything. Sure, that will impress her. So really, like I said, things are not always as they seem. You know, like, always look at things twice.
I mean, take this woman above, for instance. At first glance she is wearing a dress, no? But look closer. This woman's dress, strangely, is the exact pattern as the wall behind her. strange...
Actually, this woman is naked. Butt-naked, aside from her shoes. But it sure doesn't look like it, on first glance, at least. (The woman was body painted, with paint duh, by the way.)
But that's just in a physical sense. I don't really know where I'm going here, but it's like, on an emotional level too, that the things you assume people are feeling are really just lies, shields, masks, over their really ones, or that you misinterpret what they feel, as anger to be jealousy, impatience to be anxiousness.
And, to touch all or most bases, in the abstract, things are very very often not what they seem to be. I don't really have very good examples or much to say about that, but to be sure, they are there. All I'm saying is, don't be so judgemental at first glance, and don't be so quick to trust or distrust things, look twice, you might find something you hadn't see before. Oh, I guess I better stop blogging and start listening to my own hypocritical advice. Goodbye,

Title Quote: Jaymay, Gray or blue

Where did it go?