Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Well if you want to say yes, say yes

Well isn't this strange. Isn't the world strange. Isn't strange strange? I feel like there a million thoughts zooming through my head, each trying desperately to find a hole, a way out: through my ears, perhaps. And I seem to have let my guard down, and they keep on escaping, and then who knows where they go. Once they're out, I can't keep track of them. Maybe they find some with a less cluttered brain, maybe someone who's better at organizing their thoughts, and settle in, and talk to them instead. I don't know.

Sometimes, I feel as if there's an epiphany coming on, sometimes I feel as if it's happening this very moment, that I'm on the verge of a breakthrough, on the verge of understanding... something. And then I lose it. I think to hard, or someone interrupts me, and then there I go again. I'm back in the dirt where I started again, blindly searching for the glasses I need to find them. How can I search for my glasses if I need my glasses to search for them? This is all metaphorical, mind you. It's like trying to see something up close and in depth, but from the corner of your eye. If you look straight at it, it disappears. Like those, what do you call them, (google informs me they're called stereograms) where you have to unfocus to see the picture? I feel like these great ideas, these great understandings, if you will, are continually flitting in and away. Does anyone else ever get like that? My brain just plain hurts. (you can tell because I'm using waay to many italicized words.)

You what my situation is? It's like this: I need two very sharp pencils do what I want, and all I have is one small dull one. But sometimes it's not the pencil, is it? Sometimes it's the hand that's wielding it.

Title Quote: Cat Sevens, If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out


Mountain Spirit said...

wow, that sosunded like it was MY blog post...
i rlly liked it tho! nice use of metaphors!!

Lola Bellybutton said...

thx! Too much too fast, u kno? I'll get over it, I'll acclimate, or it will end soon enough.

Melli said...

nice post! Btw...i love that song :)

Where did it go?