Friday, October 2, 2009

Dressed in silk, latin, lace and envy

I don't really know what to write, but I do know I should write something, being as I have so many thoughts in my head. Most of it is teen angst, I grant, and stress about high schools. It's all about what school you're going to, what future you'll choose. If you don't go to the right one you may not get the right life. So don't screw it up. But no pressure, or anything. So I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to devote to this blog, but when I can, I will. It is my online diary, the place where I can deceive myself into thinking people are listening, so I don't have to annoy the people around me with boring thoughts or stories or websites.

I am lying on my bed now thinking about the boy outside my window. I talked about him in this post. Well, he's still playing music on that guitar of his. When I get home from school, at around 4, there he is, and when I go to turn my lights off around 9:30-10:00, he's playing there still. Over the summer, he opened his window to let in cool air, as did I. Some of the nights, I could hear his music drift in. Not especially good, but I admire so much his determination and drive to practice EVERY night. It's one thing that I am almost incapable of doing. So I watch him from my window, and strain to listen when I can. He sees me, I'm sure, but I don't know how much he cares. Anonymity can make everyone so much bolder. And another thing.
He has a sibling, in the next window, who plays drums.

Title Quote: Velvet Underground, Lady Godiva's Operation


Mountain Spirit said...

aww. that is so sweet, even tho i already kno about him... ive DREAMED for little thingys liik that...

i think its also awesome that you still find lyrics to make your posts, and they usually match the subject. How do you know that many songs?? Do you think you'll ever run out?

Lola Bellybutton said...

nevar! They're random, but I find it so interesting when readers make connections. only sometmes are they on purpose. I'm always listening to new music, and there are just so many songs!

Where did it go?