Sunday, December 7, 2008

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

yesterday wass John Lennon's deathday anniversary.
i don't really have much to say about it, but i'm going to risk sounding really stupid by saying that it really is so horrible, and especially so because he was my favorite, and now i can't meet him while he's shopping for groceries in the supermarket.
You see, that's how my dad met Paul McCartney.
So there, it proves that he was NOT run over by a cab. Hah!
(for anyone who doesn't know this, a lot of people believe that Paul was killed by a taxi that ran over him, and that the Beatles had someone pose as him to keep the band going. This was fueled by the end lyrics of While My Guitar Gently Weeps where supposedly they are shouting oh, paul, oh, paul, oh, paul, but i think they are really just saying oh, yeah. Also, on one of the album covers, I don't remember which one, paul was the only one whose back was turned while everyone else's face was showing.)
Death Cab for cutie is called that b/c THEY thought that paul was run over by a taxicab, and they thought he was cute, like many others. so there!
Oh, i've really just said one sentence about John and then monologued about Paul.
That's how my life is, really.
Oh well. :) I guess I'll have to add a pic of him too, now.

Title Quote: The Beatles, Strawberry Fields

Where did it go?