Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Well I told you I loved you now what more can I do

I am a strong believer of love.
people need it, want it, have it, steal it, create it, lose it, find it, reinvent it, and so on.
I think that it would be wonderful if love was what made the world go round. But no, I think what really does is money, and the things that come with it: power, fame, success, "friends", "love". I say the last two with quotation marks because I believe that the "friendship" or "love" that you get from money is not quite real. When someone becomes friends with someone else because they're rich, powerful, popular, or any of the other things listed, is it real friendship? I mean, certainly if after you get to know the person and you like them for who they are, not what they have, you are a true friend. But I believe that for no reason otherwise should you be a friend to someone except for that you enjoy who they are.  
But back to love.
I mean, not really back to love, because there is also hate to talk about.
Hate is a strong word, believe me, I know, but so is love, just as much, though I don't think it's respected as such quite as much as it should be, even or especially by me.
I feel like it's great to remind the people you love that you love them, but if you say it too much, it means nothing, or close to it. The same with hate, even though you don't really think it, because people are always"omg, i hate u!" or, "and I really hate that." That takes away from hate. This brings me to the fact that love and hate cannot exist without each other. If one or the other ruled, there would be complete unbalance, as there is or was in many places. I'm sorry to say, but love is not the answer, and I guess i don't really wish it made the world go round. At least, not without a little bit of hate.
Love and hate is like a yin-yang, as my friend flower pointed out. Like good and evil, they need to keep together and balance each other out. I could write a whole lot more about love, but this post is getting i n c r e d i b l y long, and my hands are freezing(they get very cold, even colder than usual, when I type)so I will bid thee a farewell.

Title Quote: Beth Orton, Sugar Boy

Where did it go?