Thursday, December 25, 2008

when I go fishing for the words I am wishing you would say to me

I was IM-ing with a friend yesterday, and I mention that I might go and read a book, since I was getting bored being on the computer. She was horrified. She said that she nor her friends(she's a camp friend so she has different friends than me)had ever met anyone, let alone they themselves that read just for the fun of it. Now, I was horrified. I told her that reading books was amazing, that you could have so many adventures. She said what adventures? She said what do you mean? I said that you could disappear into another world, befriend a talking pig and meet a dwarf on a mountain! She said ewww... I was disappointed. I understand that not everyone likes that sort of setting, but we had somewhat the same conversation for other genres as well. she was not convinced that reading was something to do voluntarily. I understand that many people don't like reading, but my grandmother is always worrying that it's much worse now, because you don't need to buy books anymore, there's so much electronic stuff to do now. Watch TV, play a video game, Spend hours online, anything but reading a book. Yes, there are people who read online, obviously, you're one of them, you're reading my blog!--But I fear that there are a lot less readers than there really should be. I don't like the Twilight series, but if it gets people to read, than I'm all for it!

But really, there's so much to read, so many adventures to take part in! So much drama, action, romance, and craziness to experience, there's not enough time to also sit and watch TV! Get your butts into a good reading chair and start something! Go! Now! I'm going to right this minute.
Bookishly and Nerdily yours,

Title Quote: Cake, friend is a four letter word

Where did it go?