Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone

My friend has told me to blog about "connecting w/ strangers unexpectedly and how it can change ur life." and though I don't think she expected me to actually blog about it, I will. I have not, I do not think, connected with a stranger unexpectedly and then it changed my life. Yet. Nor have I (I believe) been that stranger for someone else. But I will tell you stories of it. true stories.
I was walking to lunch with my friend one day(funny how we say walking  to lunch when really we're walking to get lunch. huh.) And this friend of, mine, she dresses pretty... interestingly. Differently. Stand outly. And we are walking down the street and whammo! this woman just comes up to us! More rather my friend, actually. This woman is short, with stringy blonde hair and is kinda on the pudgy side. Actually, more kinda dump, really. And so she comes up to my friend and just says "I used to be exactly like you. And now like who I am!" I'm not sure which direction that's supposed to mean, good or bad. Maybe that didn't really change anyone's life, but you never know... it might. We told a teacher, Liz, about it, and she said it might be this woman she knew, Candy, who was her best friend and then she stole her boyfriend. 
Ooh! Ooh! I remember! So maybe this didn't really change  my life, but it was interesting to post about, I can give you that. So I was taking the train to school one day, and I see this woman. I love to look at the variety of people on the trains. So this woman, she has light brown skin and is wearing a brown suede jacket, and she's got really earthy colors on. And I notice her face. It's round, and creased with smile lines, and she has darker brown sorta freckles dotting her face. She has the long, dark eyelashes, and I notice them because her eyes are closed. I figure it's impolite to stare at someone for so very long, so I turn away and survey the rest of the crowd. But none look quite so interesting as she does. So I turn back to see her, and I catch just a glimpse of her eyelids fluttering close, yet I do not catch any glimpse of her eyes. I'm curious about them now, and I turn away. I turn back again, hoping they will be open now, and again I see her eyes just closing. This happens a few times, and each time I am more and more convinced that there must be something special about these eyes. Finally, it is my stop, and I get ready to get off, but I decide to look back just one more time, to see if maybe, I might see her eyes. And there, just as I'm about to step off, she opens them, and I see that I was right in thinking them special. Her eyes are darker than any I have seen before, her pupils lost in the swirling blackness of her irises. She smiles, her mouth spreading slowly to her cheeks, and before I can see anything else, I have to step off the train or miss my stop, but I feel as if I have seen something very special. A bit corny, I know. If I believed in God and angels, though, I would think that she was one. 

I think, to be a stranger for someone and change their lives is one of my goals in life. So maybe they'd be changing my life by making me want to change their lives. Hmm. But that's not the point! What I was going to say was that maybe I have changed someone's life, but you know, I don't think I'll ever know it, nor will they. But wouldn't it be amazing to have some artist or poet or writer be changed by me, and write or draw a picture of me, and it were to become famous, and I were never to know it was because of me? Maybe I will do that, for someone else.


Title Quote: John Mellencamp, Jack and Diane

Where did it go?