Friday, February 20, 2009

But in between her cracks you can read between the lines

Last night I dreamt that I was working in Starbucks filling thimble sized cups of frothy milk with syrup till it turned purple, and then giving it to my customers: worms. But the problem was, my boss was working at the counter, so whenever I handed him the ready cups, he would have to try them to make sure they were good(he was very critical of me). In doing so, of course, he drank the whole thimble-full up, and so would order me to make another one for the worm, which he of course had to test again, and it went like this for sometime, with the worms never actually getting their order.

Random, much?
picture courtesy of

I know that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. 
-Robert McCloskey

Title Quote: Michelle Shocked, Looks Like Mona Lisa

Where did it go?