Monday, November 10, 2008

Keeping an eye on the world going by my window

There are all sorts of things that I am contemplating at the moment, but here are two Taoist ones that I thought might make people think, because even if you're in your own world, (which you obviously are somewhat in if you are on the computer reading this) you have to look up and see all the other things happening, and this is what I saw, when I looked up.

if you want to be given everything, give everything up.
A little extreme, I know, but maybe if you give a little up, maybe you'll be given a little in return.

to be happy, you must accept yourself as you are.
This is completely right, and so simple, but so many people just don't see what's right in their faces. I'm trying very hard to do exactly this, but it is so hard in the world that we live in today.

I hope these two thoughts carry through with you on your day, your journey (look at me, I'm being philosophical and poetic!) and I hope they will make you think.

the very best,
lola bellybutton

Title Quote: The Beatles, I'm only sleeping

Where did it go?