Sunday, November 23, 2008

feral children hear what no one knows

sorry i have been gone so long, just got a bit of blogger's block.
but I have just had a bit of inspiration!
I was talking to my father last night about this....
it's called the horseradish cheese scale.
It comes from an experience I had when my great aunt took me to meet her friends and they fed us horseradish cheese. I mean, really! They obviously were not good with children. They had none, never have, are really aren't ever gonna.
So, the horseradish cheese scale measures how well you know children, are good with them, and if you would feed them horseradish cheese or not. 1 being the least like to feed someone that nasty stuff, and 10 being he most likely.
it's lots of fun to rate all the grownups and future grownup you know, if only to say horseradish cheese!
++= Now really, what kid in their right mind would want to eat
cheese made out of that?
my sincerest,
Lola bellybutton

Title Quote: Beth Orton, Feral

Where did it go?