Saturday, December 26, 2009

Call her green and the winters cannot fade her

Just felt like it you guys, because it makes me really happy to think of it in my head, and I don't want to forget any of it: I am presenting Lola Bellybutton's List of Favorite Sounds.
(In no particular order)
1. The sound of a guitar string as the hand playing it slides quickly across to reach another chord.
2. The sound of keys clacking as someone types on a keyboard at their computer.
3. The sound of rain hitting the roof.
4. The sound of Real Laughter (not fake laughs, I hate the sound of those).
5. The sound my brother makes when he sleeps, which is this slow, rhythmic breathing.
6. The sound of Flower's fingers when she drums them on the table.
7. The hisspop of eggs frying.
8. The silence right before a movie starts.
9. The sound of crickets and cicadas outside my window in the country when it's summer.
10. The bubbling of boiling water.
11. The sound you can hear when you block out the ruckus of the train: that rhythm of clickclack, clickclack.
12. The word the Wizardress sometimes makes when she's very happy: "Da!"
14. People speaking another language (especially french) so fast that all I hear is exoticity, flamboyance, elegance, beauty, without meaning.
15. The sound of the words "I Love You" when they are really and truly meant.

Please add your own favorites on the comments or in your blog and link to mine!
Title Quote: Joni Mitchell, Little Green


Persephone said...

yay! that's one of my favorite songs!
oh, i guess i have to say some of my favorite sounds now, don't i?
dough getting squished, thick red wine being poured, certain voices, my brother making exploding sounds, summer rain, buttons snapping, sewing (very quiet sound, you have to listen hard to hear it), knitting needles clacking, soft rainy-day car horns, bad but heartfelt singing, glass bottles hanging from a tree

Lola Bellybutton said...

The sound of bubble wrap being popped, the crack of thin ice being stepped on on the pavement, the click of the heels of shoes on hard floors.

Where did it go?